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Who is Ms WIllful?

 Whoever she wants to be!


Who is Ms Willful?


Ms Willful learned how to use a slide rule at age 3.  Built model airplanes at age 5.  She had Barbie dolls but was more interested in hand-making their clothes than playing with the dolls.

In middle school and high school, she spoke up when no one else would.  Sometimes it cost her friends or made enemies.

In college, she worked a full-time job even though the dean questioned her ability to remain on the dean’s list and work 40 hours a week.  She petitioned the board of trustees to graduate from college even though she hadn’t met the graduation requirements.  And was allowed to graduate with her peers.

She chose a primarily male career.  She wore red suits to work when the industry standard (and unspoken requirement) was navy or black.

She worked her way up at not one, but two, prestigious top firms in her industry.  Walking away from her career once, then coming back.  While working her way up was called willful, arrogant, deliberate, Sergeant Carter, unfriendly.  She still moved up the ladder.

The breaking point and source for Ms Willful was an encounter at one of these national firms.  A partner wanted everything done his way.  Even if it meant being less efficient (i.e. working weekends and preparing the work on paper rather than software because that’s what he wanted to do).  Ms Willful took matters into her own hands, completed the worked in one-quarter of the time it had taken in previous years, corrected mistakes this partner made in prior years, and didn’t work weekends.  The partner called her willful.  Then gave her a negative performance review.

And thus, Ms Willful came to understand that’s what she was.  And always would be.

Ms Willful is a perfectionist, can be non-emotional (or as she has been called, callous and insensitive), is self-confident and hard-working and she sets very high expectations.  According to Meyers-Briggs, Ms Willful is an INTJ (introverted, intuitive, thinking, judgmental), one of the rarest female personality types.  

Ms Willful marches to the beat of her own drum.  Isn’t afraid to speak her mind.  In her own language.  You will always know where you stand with Ms Willful.

Keep up.  Lead, follow, or get out of my way. is my way of being more willful.  Finding others who are also willful.  In their own way.  To recognize and appreciate how willful we all are.

I've collected sayings, quotes, and pictures for years.  And I've wanted to use them for something for a long time. 

You may find stuff on my site you like and maybe some that offends you.  Stay away from the "Enter at Your Own Risk" if that's you.  I'm not taking it down.

I also want to show that Ms Willful is more than deliberate and intentional.  She is also human, kind, and has feelings.  There is a collection dedicated to my Mother.  She was a badass mother.  She loved all 4 of her children equally and we never doubted that.  She celebrated who we were individually.  She once said of me that I need to be around people who would duke it out with me otherwise I might take over everything.

I like pop culture.  I like people who speak their mind, get sarcasm, are willing to take risks.  I also want to inspire and be inspired.

You might also have some ideas for me.  Please let me know.

If you know a Ms Willful, if you are a Ms Willful, if you strive to be a Ms Willful, let me know your story.  I might feature it in a blog.  I might send you a shirt.

I'm here to celebrate my differences. And yours, too.  We are all alike because we are all different.

Be Willful!

Ms W

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